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Writer's pictureSue Leichliter

The Power of the Enneagram

Millions of people around the world use the Enneagram daily. Why? Because it works! The Enneagram is one of the most powerful and insightful tools for understanding ourselves and others. At its core, the Enneagram helps us see ourselves at a deeper, more objective level and can be of invaluable assistance on our path to self-knowledge. The insights that the Enneagram gives us can truly transform our lives. “There are as many uses for the Enneagram as there are individuals who use it” (Riso/Hudson). It is extremely helpful for those who are in therapy and in twelve-step programs, and can be used, as well, in relationships (both personal and professional). The Enneagram reveals that all people belong to one of nine major personality types. One of my favorite ways to look at the Enneagram is this: The purpose of the Enneagram is not to put you into a box, but to help you understand the box you are already in so that you may get out of it! It is not meant to label or stereotype anyone. It is meant for self-discovery, personal insight, and growth.

I first learned about the Enneagram in 2017 when I was invited by a colleague to attend a workshop that included a panel of nine people, each representing a different Ennea-type. The panelists answered questions about how they navigated the world. I found it extremely fascinating and was hooked! A few of the types resonated with me (which is the purpose of having a panel… you get to see each type “embodied”). Once we were divided up into our breakout groups, I realized fairly quickly that I was probably a Type Two - The Helper/ The Giver. When we started our group discussions, I felt truly seen and it was a very emotional experience. Discovering the Enneagram was a big “aha” moment for me. It felt a lot like turning on a light switch! I was able to see more clearly where I was, which opened up a pathway for me to escape many of my life's repeating patterns. The Enneagram hasn't been the only tool I've utilized in my quest for self-awareness and growth, but it has certainly been the most impactful one. It has given me a new framework to understand myself, my relationships, and the world around me. It has been a true life-changer for me. Since attending that workshop in 2017, I have participated in several Enneagram-related training courses over the last few years and received my “Enneagram Applications Professional” Certification in November 2020.

So what IS the Enneagram? It is a system that helps people increase their awareness and understand overall human behavior patterns. At first glance, it is a personality profiling tool, akin to the Myers-Briggs profile, DISC, or any of a multitude of other such tools. It is true that, as with those tools, undertaking an Enneagram Type Test will provide you with an indication of your ‘type’ – in this case, one of nine types, or styles. However an indication of your Enneagram type is just the starting point on a journey of self-discovery. It should not be seen as an ‘absolute’ in any way. In exploring the Enneagram and discovering our dominant type, we learn more about ourselves, about the gifts and challenges of our type, and about the likely nature of our relationships with others. This unique tool can provide us with information and insights which can then be used to develop ourselves and increase our emotional health.

There are loads of FREE assessments online, but none are as accurate as The Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator (RHETI v2.5). It is the world's most popular Enneagram-based test. It is a scientifically validated test that includes Expanded Type Descriptions (of over 2,500 words each) for your top three scores. These type descriptions have been revised and updated to provide the most comprehensive type summaries available. Click this link to book an Enneagram 101 session with me. This session includes the RHETI test at no additional charge!

For more info on this transformational tool, please send me an email:

“By learning about ourselves more deeply, we can give others the gift of our presence and our full attention.” David Daniels, M.D.

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